459 ARW Warrior Spotlight

Technical Sgt. Kenneth James is the 459th Air Refueling Wing Warrior of the Month for May 2024. In regard to his service, he says "After serving 12 years active-duty Air Force, I joined the Reserve to continue service and begin a civilian career in the federal government. The Reserve allowed more flexibility with family while maintaining the camaraderie that comes second nature in the military. Personally, drill weekends are a time to build with troops, stay proficient in standards, and share my experiences/knowledge with others. In pursuit of work/life balance, I founded a DJ business."

Phone Numbers

Base Operator

459 FSS Customer Service

DEERS Status

DEERS is operational.

Reporting Instructions

The 459th Air Refueling Wing is OPEN for normal operations.

JBA is currently under HPCON ALPHA.


If operating conditions change, notices will be posted here, Facebook (@459arw), Twitter(@459arw) and Instagram (459arw).

459 ARW Leadership

Colonel John C. Reed, Commander

Col Roland C. Tsui, Deputy Commander

Command Chief Master Sergeant Sharese N. Junious

UTA Schedule

Unit Training Assembly schedule for fiscal year 2023 to 2024. The dates are as follows: October 14-15 2023; November 4-5, 2023; December 2-3, 2023; January 6-7, 2024; February 3-4, 2024; March 23-24, 2024; April 13-14, 2024; May 4-5, 2024; June 1-2, 2024; July 13-14, 2024; August 10-11, 2024; and September 14-15, 2024.