

If your question relates specifically to the 459th Air Refueling Wing or Joint Base Andrews, clickon one of the topics below. If you have a question which is not addressed here, you may find the answer by visiting the Questions page of Air Force Link, the official Web site of the U.S. Air Force. For general military questions, please refer to the Department of Defense's FAQs page.


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Expand List item 1320Collapse List item 1320  Air Force One
Can I take a tour of Air Force One?

There are no tours available on Air Force One.
Where can I find out information about Air Force One?

To see the fact sheet on the VC-25A aircraft click here.

Information on Air Force One can also be found on the 89th Airlift Wing's home page here through a link to a video profile lower right side of the page.

To see the White House's profile on Air Force One, click here.
Who can I contact for more information about Air Force One?

You may contact the 89th Airlift Wing Public Affairs office at 301-981-6011 or
Expand List item 1324Collapse List item 1324  Directions to the 459th ARW

How do I get to the 459th ARW Headquarters?

First off, you'll need to make sure you can access Joint Base Andrews. Unless you're being escorted on base, or have been listed on an Entry Access List, you'll need a Military or U.S. Government ID card to get through the gate. 

The below directions are based on entering through the main gate:

From I-495 North/ I- 95 North

1. Take MD-337/Allentown Rd exit, EXIT 9, toward Andrews AFB/Morningside

2. Turn LEFT at traffic light onto Allentown Rd/MD-337 N

3. Turn RIGHT at the next traffic light into Andrews AFB main gate (Westover Dr)

4. Follow through Main Gate, via the lane on the far left

5. Turn LEFT at the traffic light onto Perimeter Road

6. About a mile from the gate, turn left at the stop sign, follow the sign for 459 ARW HQ

7. Continue on Perimeter Rd for approximately 1.5 miles

8. Building 3755 will be on your left, about a block away from the Subway, look for cream-colored hangars right across the street.

9. Park in the big parking lot to the right of the building. 

From I-495 South/ I- 95 South

1. Take MD-337/Allentown Rd exit, EXIT 9, toward Andrews AFB/Morningside

2. Turn RIGHT at traffic light onto Allentown Rd/MD-337 N

3. Turn LEFT into Andrews AFB main gate (Westover Dr)

4. Follow through Main Gate, via the lane on the far left

5. Turn LEFT at the traffic light onto Perimeter Road

6. About a mile from the gate, turn left at the stop sign, follow the sign for 459 ARW HQ

7. Continue on Perimeter Rd for approximately 1.5 miles

8. Building 3755 will be on your left, about a block away from the Subway, look for cream-colored hangars right across the street.

9. Park in the big parking lot to the right of the building. 
Expand List item 1325Collapse List item 1325  Hometown News Releases

How do I submit a Hometown News Release request?

If you'd like the local media in your hometown to share your Air Force Reserve acomplishments with your community, you'll need to first contact the 459th ARW Public Affairs office. From there the office will have you complete a secure, online form which will then be sent to your hometown media. 

459th ARW PA 
Phone: 240-857-6873
Expand List item 1326Collapse List item 1326  Information

I am a member of the media/community and I need information, who do I contact?

For base and wing directory assistance, call 301-981-1110. 

For public affairs inquiries, contact the 459th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs Office at 240-857-6873.
Expand List item 1327Collapse List item 1327  Joint Service Open House

Are we able to bring guests who don’t have military IDs to the air show? 

As long as you are their escort. Just like bringing them through the gates, you are responsible for their actions while they attend the event as they are guests to the installation. Be sure they stay with you at all times.


Do I just drive to Andrews for the show?

Unless you have a Department of Defense ID card, visitors to the open house cannot access Andrews directly. Joint Base Andrews works with the Washington D.C. Metro system to shuttle visitors from two convenient locations close to the base. Visitors may park at either FedEx Field or the Branch Avenue Metro Station.


Northern Virginia
I-495/I-95 North to exit 15B (Central Ave. West). Turn right on Garrett A. Morgan Blvd.

Montgomery and Howard Counties
I-495/I-95 South to I-95 exit 17B Landover Road. Turn left on Brightseat Road.

Washington, D.C.
East Capitol Street to Central Avenue. Turn left on Garrett A. Morgan Blvd. 

Buses will transport from FedEx Field to Andrews from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

Buses will transport from Andrews to FedEx Field until 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

Branch Avenue Metro Station

Buses will transport from Branch Avenue to Andrews from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

Buses will transport from Andrews to Branch Avenue until 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.


I have an ID card that can get me access to the base. Can I park on base and bring family and friends?

Department of Defense ID cardholders who have base access on an ordinary basis may park on Andrews and bring family and friends. Up to ten people can gain access in a vehicle with a DoD ID cardholder escort. Every passenger needs to have an ID to be presented at the gate, except for small children.


I have base access and want to park on base. What do I do?

Once you have access to the base, simply follow the directional signs to parking and security forces members will be present to direct traffic and visitors to parking. 


From 95/495 North to Main Gate:
· Take exit 9 and follow loop around
· Take Right at Stop Sign
· At the light turn right onto Allentown road
· Turn left at next light
· Proceed through the Main Gate 

From Suitland PKWY to Virginia Gate:
· Heading southbound on Suitland Pkwy.
· Exit on to Route 5 South (Branch Avenue)
· Follow Branch Avenue (route 5) south; take the Coventry way exit
· Turn left onto Coventry Way, staying in the right lane
· Turn right onto Old Alexandria Ferry Road
· Turn left at Virginia Ave, and proceed through the Virginia Gate

From North or South 95/495 to Virginia Gate:
· Take exit 7A, Route 5 South (Branch Avenue)
· Follow Branch Avenue (route 5) south; take the Coventry way exit
· Turn left onto Coventry Way
· Turn right onto Old Alexandria Ferry Road
· Turn left at Virginia Ave, and proceed through the Virginia Gate 

From 95/495 North to North Gate:
· Take exit 9 and follow around
· At light make left onto Allentown Road
· Follow Allentown Road
· Merge onto Suitland Parkway
· Take Andrews Air Force Base, North Gate exit
· Proceed through North Gate 

From 95/495 South: 
· Take exit 11A, Route 4 South /Pennsylvania Avenue
· Stay to the right
· Go through the first Light
· At the next light, make a right onto Suitland Parkway
· Take Andrews Air Force Base, North Gate exit
· Proceed through North Gate 

From Suitland Parkway to Pearl Harbor Gate:
· Heading southbound on Suitland Parkway
· Take Route 4 South/ Pennsylvania Avenue
· Stay in the right lane
· Turn right at the light onto Dower house Road
· Turn left onto Pearl Harbor Drive
· Proceed through Pearl Harbor Gate 

From 95/495 North:
· Take exit 9 and follow around
· Turn left onto Allentown Road
· Merge onto Suitland Parkway/Pennsylvania Avenue
· Take right onto Dower house Road
· Turn right onto Pearl Harbor Drive and proceed through Pearl Harbor Gate 

From 95/495 South:
· Take exit 11A, Route 4 South /Pennsylvania Avenue
· Make a right at the light onto Dower house Road
· Turn right onto Pearl Harbor Drive and proceed through Pearl Harbor Gate 


What can I bring to the air show?


Small coolers (medical purposes only)
Fanny packs
Camera bags (smaller than one cubic foot)
Diaper bags
Baby formula
Portable lawn chairs
Collapsible strollers


What should I NOT bring to the air show?


All other coolers (unless for medical purposes)
Narcotics and paraphenalia
Camera bags larger than one cubic foot
Roller blades, skates and skateboards
Weapons (including, but not limited to, knives, firearms, explosives, bio/radiological substances)
All food (unless diabetic)
Beverages, open or closed (except baby formula)


When is the next air show?

The next Andrews Air Show and Joint Service Open House is scheduled for May 14 and 15, 2011.
Expand List item 1328Collapse List item 1328  Recruiting

Can I be an Air Force Reservist?

Contact the 459 ARW Recruiting Office at 240-857-6895 to find out if you qualify.
Expand List item 1329Collapse List item 1329  Request a flyover
How do I request a flyover for an event?

Aerial Event Requests 

The 459th Air Refueling Wing does support flyovers and static display requests; however the process does not start at the wing. 

To start a flyover request you will need to submit a DD Form 2535 online at the Air Force Aerial Events Office at the Pentagon. Print out the completed DD Form 2535 and fax or send it to the local Federal Aviation Administration of where the flyover would happen. Here is the website, FAA Offices

When the requester receives the approved DD Form 2535 from the FAA, it must be faxed to the Air Force Aerial Events Office at the Pentagon at (703) 693-9601. the 459 ARW can only consider your request after you have approval from the Pentagon. 

After Pentagon approval, please call the 459 ARW Public Affairs Office at (240) 857-6873 to discuss the possibility of support. Unfortunately, Pentagon approval does not guarantee support of your event. We receive many more requests for flyovers than we can honor. 

Flyovers are considered for aviation-related and patriotic observances held in conjunction with Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, POW/MIA Day, or Veterans Day. (event must be within seven days of the actual holiday dates to be considered). 

If your event is approved, a member of the 459 ARW Public Affairs Office will call your organization's point of contact to set up the event. The request process takes approximately 60 days to complete, so plan ahead. The wing will not consider any request if it is within 30-days from SAF/PA approval date. Please feel free to contact the PA if you have any questions about flyovers or the process. 
Expand List item 1330Collapse List item 1330  Tours

Can our organization get a tour of the Base?

Contact the Andrews Air Force Base Public Affairs Office at 301-981-4424.


Can our organization get a tour of the Wing?

Contact the 459th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs Office at 240-857-6873.