Weekly base entertainment Published Dec. 21, 2012 By 459th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs JOINT BASE ANDREWS, Md -- THURSDAY, 20 DECEMBER.....Today is the registration deadline for anyone interested in participating in the 2013 JB Andrews Intramural Basketball season. This is open to all military members, DoD civilians, dependants and retirees assigned to JB Andrews. For more information or to register, contact the West Fitness Center at (301) 981-7101. Families are invited to a CHRISTMAS PARTY at the Library from 6-8 p.m. featuring music, refreshments and a visit from Santa Claus! For more information, call (301) 981-6454. FRIDAY, 21 DECEMBER.....Enjoy your last meal at the END OF THE WORLD BUFFET at The Sports Page from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. featuring fried chicken and pork chops, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, veggies, salad and a drink for only $9.95. For more details, call (301) 981-4638. Today is the deadline for anyone interested in registering for the SKI AND SNOWBOARD ADVENTURE at Liberty Mountain Ski Resort on 5 January. Single Airmen and Sailors (ages 18-25) pay $50 which is refunded at the end of the trip...all others pay $30. Cost includes transportation, 8 hour lift ticket, and ski or snowboard equipment rental from Outdoor Recreation. For more information or to register, call (301) 981-4109/5663. Have some fun tonight at the NAUGHTY OR NICE HOLIDAY MASQUERADE PARTY & COSTUME CONTEST at The Club from 7 p.m. to Midnight. FREE to anyone with base access, music by WPGC's DJ Storm and prize baskets awarded for top two costumes in each category (appropriate attire appreciated). For more information, call (301) 568-3100. MONDAY, 24 DECEMBER.....Don't forget! Visit AndrewsFSS.com for our facilities' special HOLIDAY HOURS OF OPERATION this week. TUESDAY, 25 DECEMBER.....Enjoy a CHRISTMAS DAY MEAL at Freedom Hall Dining Facility from 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Menu features roast turkey, baked ham, roast rib of beef, giblet dressing, glazed sweet potatoes and much more! Open to all authorized service members, DoD civilians, military retirees and immediate family members. For details, call (301) 981-6661. WEDNESDAY, 26 DECEMBER..... Bring your preschoolers to STORYTIME at the Library beginning at 10 a.m. Staff shares selected books followed by a craft or activity time. For more details, call (301) 981-6454.