459 ARW Commander's Suicide Prevention Program Message

  • Published
  • By Colonel Thomas "TK" Smith, Jr.
  • 459th Air Refueling Wing
I'm so proud of the service of all of the Airmen who serve here at the 459th Air Refueling Wing. And equal to their service is the support from their families.  But, as the 459th Air Refueling Wing prepares for spring, we take time to recognize individual achievements of our Airmen and civilian force at our Annual Awards Banquet and connect with each other during Wingman Day.  These events are part of what makes us a family and builds upon the "esprit-de-corps" that no other non-military entity can boast.

I have stated before that our greatest asset is our Airmen.  To complete the mission we must ensure each of us is present and ready to complete each of our myriad of duties. It is essential that we recognize the year-round commitment to prevent loss to suicide. To meet this goal we must continually improve and recognize the resilience skills many of us have and commit ourselves to ensuing our "teammates" around us possess the same ability to combat the different stresses in life.  We must continually build upon the Wingman community of care and concern for one another and assist others through difficult times by being there to listen and advise, and to know the resources that are available for suicide prevention. 

Each one of us will benefit from an environment that encourages mutual support, early intervention and provides resources for support. This UTA and throughout the year we must look for opportunities to improve resilience and wellness for our AF team. Where problems exist let's work to get support to those having difficulty early. We can't afford to be reactive in this area, but must be proactive.  The task may seem impossible, but all it takes is one person to notice and to care at the right time or moment.  Thank you for the great support and camaraderie you provide each other every day.  I am proud to represent this wing and the mission we accomplish for our country.
