Command post chief thanks wing for relief

  • Published
  • By Lt. Col. Stan Jaicks
  • 459th Command Post
(Editor's note: On Dec. 7, Lt. Col. Stan Jaicks, 459th Command Post chief and former member of the 756th Airlift Squadron lost his home to a house fire. Fortunately, his family exited the house safely. The news article is posted at 

We would like to thank everyone for thier generosity and support during this most difficult time. Your help has been overwhelming and quite frankly, gone above and beyond. The 459th Air Refueling Wing is an outstanding organization in which I am proud to serve. Adversity amazingly brings people together. As a wing you all certainly have illustrated how you can provide for people when they are in need. My family and I are most thankful for the thoughts and prayers that have accompanied the numerous gifts.


Stan, Yvonne, Joelle and Leah Jaicks